Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Starting Over

I started this blog a few years ago.... and I have been a HORRIBLE blogger.... Well, time to change that! I write all the time, but never post. In fact, when I realized that it has been over a year and a half since my last posting, I couldn't believe it! This past year and a half has brought so much change, and so many blessings.

Starting over is a daunting task... where to start? what to talk about? should I focus on life, or faith? That last question is where I shocked myself....

Thinking about this blog, where I started and where I am now, one thing and one thing only is completely clear in my mind.... My faith IS my life. Don't get me wrong, I live the daily life and struggle of a sinner. However, above all else, I strive to live as a Christian in ALL aspects of my life.

For those of you know my story, you know that my brother (with the Holy Spirit), is responsible for bringing me back into a relationship with The Lord. Jimmy used to always say: "The Lord has a plan for me, it isn't my job to know the plan, it isn't my job to understand the plan, and it is isn't my job to like the plan. It is only my job to live the plan to the fullest of my abilities and to remain faithful to the plan."

At the time, I didn't understand what he meant, I laughed at him and ignored him. Now, I understand fully and I am the one being laughed at by people around me.

Twice now in my life, I have turned down good job offers in favor of following the path The Lord is leading me on. To most of my friends and much of my family, my decisions have made no sense. I have chosen to put ministry higher than financial stability in my priority list. Even some of my Christian friends think I am losing it.

In the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, and Luke, we read about how at least 5 of the disciples left everything "immediately" to follow Jesus. ....

In 2013, we want everything to happen "immediately". We have fast food, fast cars, fast paced jobs, children grow up faster, and with the internet and shopping malls we even shop faster. We want everything in our lives NOW. But, which one of us would leave our family, our job, and our comfortable lifestyle to follow Jesus NOW???

I am NOT suggesting that we are all called to move into a mission field right now. What I am suggesting is that in our fast paced lifestyles, it is easy for all of us (me included) not to hear the calling The Lord has for us. It is easy to say "I'll volunteer when I have time", or "Work is really busy, I'll help out when It slows down".

Our lives will never slow down, unless we make them. We need to be proactive and place our priorities on the Lord. Place our trust in Him and the plan He has for each and every one of us. I don't understand the plan The Lord has for me. And I don't have to!!!! I just have to trust!

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding. Seek his will in all you do, and he will show you which path to take" (Proverbs 3:5-6)

My prayer is that The Lord will continue to light my path, that He will help me to remain strong in Him, and that He will help me be obedient in my walk on this path.

My promise and commitment to you is that I will be a better blogger and not wait until August of 2014 to blog again!

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